Are Scientists telling the complete truth about Bermuda Triangle ?

(This article is English version of previously published article titled – क्या वैज्ञानिक पूरा सच बोल रहें हैं बरमूडा ट्राएंगल के बारे में which was published on 21st Nov 2016 on “Svyam Bane Gopal” Group’s website)-

{The following article is based on the personal thoughts of Doctor Saurabh Upadhyay who is a prudent researcher of Space Science and is associated with “Svyam Bane Gopal” Group}

The theory of researchers which is getting quite a place in media these days, that the major reason behind the mysterious disappearance of ships and aircrafts are the magnetic disturbances, violent storms at a speed of more than 250km/h, tropical cyclones and sea waves rising up to 50 feet, etc. Is this really the complete truth behind this mystery?

As the most important question is then, that why the atmosphere there is so turbulent and disturbed?

Some experts say that revelation of 100% truth sometimes can cause disturbance in the society. So the authorities reveal only a part of the truth or they might come up with a fictional story.

The findings by the scientists over all these years is very precious according to them and as its obvious that mostly humans find it wise to keep the precious hidden and away. The same way, scientists haven’t shared much of its secrets with the society.

But this is not the only reason behind hiding these facts. As all the para human experiences, are not only appealing being amazing but could be dangerous as well, if we get in influence of any unfriendly alien, or what if unknowingly someone goes beyond the limits.

Some scientists folks might think that they have made some very unique and advanced explorations but its not necessarily true.

Great discoveries require great guidance. Anyone could be this guide or mentor. It could be Aliens, if we establish contact with aliens and then they might unwind some big secrets. The more powerful the alien would be, the bigger the secrets will be revealed.

The fact to be noted is, just like in human beings there are good natured and bad-tempered beings, same way in all the alien species (Nag, Yaksh, Gandharv, Kinnar, Kirat, Vidyadhar, Riksh, Pitar, Devta, Dikpal etc.) there are both good & bad aliens!

Good natured aliens never do anything wrong with any human being, instead keep on trying to show the right path to every male/female with noble thinking either directly or indirectly!

If any human doesn’t agree to their advice even after being in touch of these aliens, the obliging aliens never hurt that person, rather they just finish off their contact with that person after being neglected again and again, instead of hurting that person because they strongly believe that its God’s work to reward somebody for his good or bad deeds, not theirs!

Perhaps, coming in the near future, decent aliens might have to come again openly (i.e. appearing openly in public) to protect and help humans, because in future disasters, there could be the time that innocent and disabled humans may have to openly face the wrath of bad-tempered aliens!

In the past also aliens and humans had an open war, and these incidents can be found in ancient Hindu texts Mahabharata battle, one of the biggest example, wherein aliens (Nag, Yaksh, Gandharv, Kinnar, Kirat, Vidyadhar, Riksh, Pitar, Devta, Dikpal etc) openly fought a fierce battle in favor of and against humans but after this war Shri Krishna set up a system, that in the coming future (i.e. Kaliyuga ) aliens should contact humans only for their welfare, because in the coming future when most of humans will be mentally weak and selfish, they wont hesitate using these powers to do wrong to other humans over their small benefits!

If the audacity of bad-tempered Aliens increases in future, them to stop them, good-natured aliens’ protest may also increase and if due to the personal differences between these good and bad natured aliens, a fierce battle sparks off, the possibility of incarnation of the Almighty, the God, himself in some form to handle this arduous situation, to save the earth from irreparable destruction can’t be denied.

God is Almighty, so whatever he determines to do, certainly accomplishes it and he doesn’t seeks or takes permission of what to do and what not to do, from any saint, god or holy book etc, God himself decides, this is why His one name is “a complete owner of his desires”.

So God can incarnate in partial or impartial form, in any form, anywhere and anytime, without any prior notice (like in Dwaparyug, when Shri Krishna was going to take birth, even the omniscient saints, knowing Vedas, the Purana, were not having any prior information that God Himself is going to take birth somewhere on this earth).

In reality God’s plans are so very secret that till God himself doesn’t tell anyone about it, even holy books, saints or god (aliens) etc. cannot get a clue of it. A big example of which is all the mystic actions that Sri Krishna did in Dvaparyuga, about which even the creator of the universe, the Brahma couldn’t know anything about but the companions (Gan & Ganikaye or Supreme aliens) of Sri Krishna in Golok Dham, which at that time were born as common friends and companions in Vrindavan, got great privilege of knowing the mystic activities (which is called ‘Leela’) that Sri Krishna did. Where on the one hand we get to see God doing such ordinary tasks (for ex. Doing household ordeal like dusting and cleaning in the house of devotees like Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s guru mother), and on the other hand, some profound rare magic acts (like doing the extremely-rare Yogic Kriya named Maharas etc) about which it is said “ना भूतो ना भविष्यति” which means that has never happened before and nor ever will happen in further!

In Dvapara-Yuga, when the Almighty was going to take birth in the form of Shri Krishna to handle the ensuing horrid war of Mahabharata, just few moments before his birth the earth got stunned for a while, because God in whose womb, infinite universe resides, when himself was trying to enter into the womb of a small planet, The Earth & all the beings (including Devki ji, the mother) felt intolerable commotion, but as soon as Shri Krishna took birth , Earth & all the beings felt unprecedented peace.

In Dwaparyuga, the incarnation of God as Sri Krishna was a complete incarnation (rich in 16 divine arts). Actually incarnation theory is very complex, that can neither be understood nor explained that easily. Shri Hari (God) has taken infinite avatar, so have been his infinite activities- ‘Leelaas’, means all his activities have not been the same, instead different to each other. If God were going to again get incarnated in partial or complete form, then who knows what would be the changes in nature before and after his arrival.

As far as it is about Bermuda triangle, the issues mentioned about it like magnetic disturbances, violent storms, tropical cyclones and high sea waves etc. exist. But the point is that why do they exist ? Some scientists stay silent even after knowing the reality.

As mentioned in previous articles of “Svyam Bane Gopal”, Bermuda Triangle is no more than an inter-dimensional portal, through which we can travel anywhere in this universe (To study and understand more about Bermuda Triangle, you can visit our some other articles on aliens. Links of these articles are given in the end).

Where many humans residing on earth have reached other mysterious world/space after getting trapped in Bermuda Triangle, the same way, some entities from outer world have reached earth through Bermuda Triangle.

Even some aliens forget their memories as if they are residing on earth only by birth. Due to some natural or intentional incidents in nature, on some other places too, apart from Bermuda Triangle, doors of different dimensions open up through which some unusual aliens land on earth and same way humans reach their world. And when people see these unusual characters from outer world, they call them aliens. Even sometimes, due to sudden opening of outer world doors, some people get a glimpse of strange creatures and strange atmosphere.

Disclaimer- The information mentioned in above article, is best of our knowledge and experience and we have tried our best to make it as accurate as possible, but we would like to request to all our respected readers that it should not be treated as a substitute for any kind of professional advice, diagnosis, treatment or other purposes. “Svyam Bane Gopal” organization is a medium to provide our audience with the common information on various important aspects of human knowledge, and does not guarantee its accuracy or reliability. Even if there is no mention of any precaution or prohibition in article, it never means that we are claiming that our any kind of information is safe for any kind of purpose without any proper consultation with a relevant expert. “Svyam Bane Gopal” organization does not take any kind of responsibility for any aspect of our information. If you have any doubts about information, we strongly recommend you to consult a relevant expert. Thanks to all.

कृपया हमारे फेसबुक पेज से जुड़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें

कृपया हमारे यूट्यूब चैनल से जुड़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें

कृपया हमारे एक्स (ट्विटर) पेज से जुड़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें

कृपया हमारे ऐप (App) को इंस्टाल करने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें

डिस्क्लेमर (अस्वीकरण से संबन्धित आवश्यक सूचना)- विभिन्न स्रोतों व अनुभवों से प्राप्त यथासम्भव सही व उपयोगी जानकारियों के आधार पर लिखे गए विभिन्न लेखकों/एक्सपर्ट्स के निजी विचार ही “स्वयं बनें गोपाल” संस्थान की इस वेबसाइट/फेसबुक पेज/ट्विटर पेज/यूट्यूब चैनल आदि पर विभिन्न लेखों/कहानियों/कविताओं/पोस्ट्स/विडियोज़ आदि के तौर पर प्रकाशित हैं, लेकिन “स्वयं बनें गोपाल” संस्थान और इससे जुड़े हुए कोई भी लेखक/एक्सपर्ट, इस वेबसाइट/फेसबुक पेज/ट्विटर पेज/यूट्यूब चैनल आदि के द्वारा, और किसी भी अन्य माध्यम के द्वारा, दी गयी किसी भी तरह की जानकारी की सत्यता, प्रमाणिकता व उपयोगिता का किसी भी प्रकार से दावा, पुष्टि व समर्थन नहीं करतें हैं, इसलिए कृपया इन जानकारियों को किसी भी तरह से प्रयोग में लाने से पहले, प्रत्यक्ष रूप से मिलकर, उन सम्बन्धित जानकारियों के दूसरे एक्सपर्ट्स से भी परामर्श अवश्य ले लें, क्योंकि हर मानव की शारीरिक सरंचना व परिस्थितियां अलग - अलग हो सकतीं हैं ! अतः किसी को भी, “स्वयं बनें गोपाल” संस्थान की इस वेबसाइट/फेसबुक पेज/ट्विटर पेज/यूट्यूब चैनल आदि के द्वारा, और इससे जुड़े हुए किसी भी लेखक/एक्सपर्ट के द्वारा, और किसी भी अन्य माध्यम के द्वारा, प्राप्त हुई किसी भी प्रकार की जानकारी को प्रयोग में लाने से हुई, किसी भी तरह की हानि व समस्या के लिए “स्वयं बनें गोपाल” संस्थान और इससे जुड़े हुए कोई भी लेखक/एक्सपर्ट जिम्मेदार नहीं होंगे ! धन्यवाद !