Researcher of “Svyam Bane Gopal” group reveals the current probable city of aliens that may be in India

Real aliens city India UFOs unidentified flying objects universe secrets extraterrestrial life space research organisations spaceship crop circle mystery Unidentified Floating Object photos video

(This article is English version of previously published Hindi article titled – “स्वयं बनें गोपाल” समूह खुलासा कर रहा है भारत में हो सकने वाले एलिएंस के वर्तमान संभावित शहर की which was published on 7th September 2019 on “Svyam Bane Gopal” Group’s website)-

{The following article is based on the personal thoughts of Doctor Saurabh Upadhyay who is a prudent researcher of Space Science and is associated with “Svyam Bane Gopal” Group}

So far, whatever information in articles related to the universe and aliens, have been published for the first time in the world by the researchers of “Svyam Bane Gopal” group (Links of all those Hindi articles and English translations for some of those, have been given below this article), we were getting appreciative and pleasantly surprising trends about them from intellectuals all over the world, however, now the new information what “Svyam Bane Gopal” group is going to publish below, may be very helpful for the world’s big Space Research Agencies as well.

According to our researchers, today one of the many unanswered questions in front of some of the world’s big space research institutes is; where do these aliens actually live?

Real aliens city India UFOs unidentified flying objects universe secrets extraterrestrial life space research organisations spaceship crop circle mystery Unidentified Floating Object photos video

This question is unanswered because many of the places which the aliens tell in their interactions with the scientists are located on the earth, however, even after visiting those places and observing them through satellite or other highly sophisticated equipments, nothing substantial is known which can prove that any creature like aliens live there.

In fact, not only it is very difficult to see an alien, it is also very difficult to understand his words. Therefore, these scientists experimenting many times feel themselves very desperate and helpless, but even then, these scientists do not understand such a small thing that the scriptures of the Hindu religion (which scientists never credit give to the scriptures of the venerable Hindu religion) based on which they are secretly trying to solve the mysteries related to aliens and the universe, it’s very clearly mentioned in them that these species of aliens are “divine”.

And ‘divinity’ can never be felt through toys such as sensors developed by modern scientists.

As the “Svyam Bane Gopal” group had revealed in previous article as well, that divinity is born in the body of a creature through various combinations of five elements (earth, water, sky, air and fire) along with the “Akshar” element (Akshar element is not exactly, but could understand in English language some how as a Character element).

In fact, the “Akshar” element is a very mysterious element because as long as this element remains inside the body, body remains free of corrosion (non-destructive) i.e. remains always alive. As soon as this “Akshar” element comes out of the body, body immediately becomes subjected to death.

(Actually, the number of elements reported by modern scientists in the periodic table is much higher than 118 and the characteristics of these unexplored elements are extremely bizarre and surprising, about which the “Svyam Bane Gopal” group will publish separate articles in the future).

When does this “Akshar” element come out of the body? It comes out normally only in two cases, first, either a divine being removes it himself from his body, or second, another divine being forcefully removes this “Akshar” element from body of a divine being.

The first situation comes when a divine non-human being (which in today’s colloquial language can be called an alien) gets bored (uninterested or tired) in his life-form and he understands that he may get happiness or more happiness in his divine life-form but for ultimate happiness i.e. “Kundalini Awakening”, he will have to take birth in human life-form. Thus in this condition, such aliens remove the “Akshar” element from their body through Yogic action by their own wish, after which their thousands of years old body immediately becomes subjected to death.

In the second case, the “Akshar” element in the body of the aliens is forced out by another creature because it has become necessary for some reason. A famous example of this was “Ravana” (a divine devil of Indian mythological scripture “Ramayana”) whose “Akshar” element (i.e. the nectar in his navel) was forcefully taken out by Lord Ram by hitting him by a bow.

And in the same era of “Ravana”, the secret of today’s one of the main alien species is hidden; and this is the one which is the rare information discovered by researchers of “Svyam Bane Gopal” group. Today, researchers associated with “Svyam Bane Gopal” group are revealing a possible area where this particular species of alien is still expected to be there! And surprising thing is that this region is on Earth itself!

Real aliens city India UFOs unidentified flying objects universe secrets extraterrestrial life space research organisations spaceship crop circle mystery Unidentified Floating Object photos video According to the researchers associated with the “Svyam Bane Gopal” group, during the time of Lord Ram, there used to be a super powerful and destructive Asura (devil) named “Lavanaasura” in North India, because of whom many areas of North India were very badly ruined. “Lavanaasura” was later killed by Lord “Shatrughna” who was younger brother of Lord “Ram”.

As that region had reached a very devastated state due to “Lavanasura”, Lord “Shatrughan” called upon the deities and other divine species to settle there.

At the request of Lord “Shatrughan”, various divine and semi-divine species came to that region of North India and they met the human beings there and produced children.

Since those children had a divine part along with human part, those children appeared in a semi-divine form.

Those children were so much advanced in science and technology like deities, therefore they gradually researched and changed the dimensions of their habitat to multidimensional (or it is also possible that this may have happened due to some high level divine incidence) due to which these aliens possibly live in same North India region even today but they are not visible to humans nor do we feel them because possibly they live in a more advanced dimension than us (Please read our previous articles related to the aliens to know the concept of dimension in detail).

In fact, this area is described in the original “Sanskrit Ramayana” as well. Since many times in history, different areas have been denominated differently, so if you want to understand the location of this area in an easy language, then the abode of these semi-divine aliens is located possibly in midst of today’s “Mathura” (a city of North India) to Nepal.

Due to being children of the deities, possibly these aliens are of good and cooperative nature and they always do various kinds of such scientific research for the welfare of this universe that common human intelligence can not understand.

Now the second big question here is, whether there is any way to see these semi-divine aliens (whom we do not see even when they are among humans) and their city?

Yes, it could be definitely possible. Let’s see what the researchers associated with the “Svyam Bane Gopal” group say about this.

According to researchers, these aliens fraternity and their cities on Earth cannot be seen until any human being himself starts moving at a particular speed.

Elaborating further, as long as an aircraft (like rocket) does not cross the escape velocity, it cannot exit the earth, In the same way, until a human starts moving at that particular velocity, he cannot get out of his three dimensional world on earth and cannot see the world of higher dimensions i.e. aliens’ city. Although it is not necessary that this law of velocity is always mandatory because the supremely powerful aliens are capable of doing everything (as like God) whenever they want, that is, they can get a human being to visit the divine realms of aliens even without requiring them to follow the rules.

Generally, aliens with divine power can appear in front of humans at their will; however, humans have to move at that particular speed to appear in front of those aliens for which they need different types of Vimanas (ancient Indian spacecrafts). According to our researchers, the various spacecrafts described in the Hindu mythological scriptures were the means by which ancient humans used to travel in different dimensions (“Loks” i.e. alien realms).

In fact, it is a very deep and true concept that almost all beings of this “Sthool” world (i.e. the world of we human beings) for all their evil deeds (like- stealing, robbing, lying, cheating, intoxicating, raping, killing, etc.) keep getting some kind of inspiration and energy invisibly from evil forces of the “Sookshma” world (i.e. invisible realm such as aliens’ planets).

And in the same way, the creatures of this “Sthool” world (i.e. the world of we human beings) as well for all good works (like- charity, worship, recitation, service to poor hungry sick people and parents, elder siblings, etc.) keep getting some kind of inspiration and energy invisibly from good forces of the “Sookshma” world (like- sages, ancestors, deities of various levels etc.).

So now there is no need to tell how much aliens have an effect on the lives of all human beings, which we cannot deny even if we dearly want to.

Due to the hard work of good natured people of “Sookshma” world (i.e. good natured aliens of aliens’ planets) morality increases in the “Sthool” world (i.e. among we humans) whereas if the influence of bad aliens increases in the “Sookshma” world, then anarchy definitely increases in our “Sthool” world.

For example, if the dominance of the corrupt people increases in the group of powerful (rich) people of a country, then corruption automatically increases in the common people of that country as well (because corrupt powerful people misuse their power and corrupt the governance as well and corruption is bound to increase in the public if the governance becomes corrupt, because there is a true saying in Hindi language- “यथा राजा तथा प्रजा” which means- “like King, like public”). In the same way, our entire universe is like a country in which aliens with various divine powers are powerful people of this country.

So now the time has come for we humans to get out of our limited knowledge and don’t be like a frog of a well. We should know about all those forgotten facts, how behind all the good deeds that we humans do, nobody knows how many invisible hard work of divine powerful sages are hidden which inspires us to go against the superpower influence of Kali Yuga and continue doing good works.

Therefore, it was a compulsory daily practice in ancient India that after waking up in the morning and before going to sleep at night, to offer thanks to all the revered people in the universe, they were also prayed to protect humans forever.

And if we wish, even today we can avoid many kinds of known or known difficulties and dangers by following this practice.

For this, all we have to just say this – “Hey all the revered people in the universe, my greetings to all of you. Please forgive me for all the mistakes that have done so far and please always protect me”. We have to say this daily after waking up in morning and before going to bed at night.

This prayer, which takes only 30 seconds, may seem very simple but it is a proof of our being a true human being because a true human is the one who has ‘humanity’ in him and humanity says that always be ‘thankful’ and never be ‘ungrateful’.

And we will be called thankful only when we will pay our respectful obeisance to each one of those creatures in return for their favor.

Here again it is being clarified that no creature (whether he is resident of any species or planet) is called honorable unless he stop working for only his own benefit and starts working for the welfare of others too.

And when any creature is doing the welfare of others (act of benevolence) with pure mind through any form of yoga (such as the sage engaged in a very glorious practice ‘सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः’ of Bhakti Yoga), at that time he is not doing good only for few people rather invisibly removing the blemishes of sins (more or less) from whole universe, due to which whole universe keeps getting benefitted because when blemishes of sins get reduced then it is helpful in increasing the light of morality in the universe (this is also confirmed in the Shrimad Bhagwat Maha Purana scripture).

Therefore, if a creature is doing any act of philanthropy while living in any planet, then he is definitely respectable and honorable for all of us.

It is also necessary to understand here that whenever a creature is engaged in any yoga (Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, Hatha Yoga) and involved in the well being of others then at that time God component (divinity factor or part) in that creature increases greatly. So in such a way, paying obeisance to that creature gives effect equal to bowing directly to the God which is capable of bringing great pleasant change in our life.

That is why, every morning and night, we must follow the ancient Indian tradition of saluting those revered people (whom we know or may not have known because of our short-sightedness) as well along with God for our welfare.

Disclaimer- The information mentioned in above article, is best of our knowledge and experience and we have tried our best to make it as accurate as possible, but we would like to request to all our respected readers that it should not be treated as a substitute for any kind of professional advice, diagnosis, treatment or other purposes. “Svyam Bane Gopal” organization is a medium to provide our audience with the common information on various important aspects of human knowledge, and does not guarantee its accuracy or reliability. Even if there is no mention of any precaution or prohibition in article, it never means that we are claiming that our any kind of information is safe for any kind of purpose without any proper consultation with a relevant expert. “Svyam Bane Gopal” organization does not take any kind of responsibility for any aspect of our information. If you have any doubts about information, we strongly recommend you to consult a relevant expert. Thanks to all.

कृपया हमारे फेसबुक पेज से जुड़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें

कृपया हमारे यूट्यूब चैनल से जुड़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें

कृपया हमारे एक्स (ट्विटर) पेज से जुड़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें

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डिस्क्लेमर (अस्वीकरण से संबन्धित आवश्यक सूचना)- विभिन्न स्रोतों व अनुभवों से प्राप्त यथासम्भव सही व उपयोगी जानकारियों के आधार पर लिखे गए विभिन्न लेखकों/एक्सपर्ट्स के निजी विचार ही “स्वयं बनें गोपाल” संस्थान की इस वेबसाइट/फेसबुक पेज/ट्विटर पेज/यूट्यूब चैनल आदि पर विभिन्न लेखों/कहानियों/कविताओं/पोस्ट्स/विडियोज़ आदि के तौर पर प्रकाशित हैं, लेकिन “स्वयं बनें गोपाल” संस्थान और इससे जुड़े हुए कोई भी लेखक/एक्सपर्ट, इस वेबसाइट/फेसबुक पेज/ट्विटर पेज/यूट्यूब चैनल आदि के द्वारा, और किसी भी अन्य माध्यम के द्वारा, दी गयी किसी भी तरह की जानकारी की सत्यता, प्रमाणिकता व उपयोगिता का किसी भी प्रकार से दावा, पुष्टि व समर्थन नहीं करतें हैं, इसलिए कृपया इन जानकारियों को किसी भी तरह से प्रयोग में लाने से पहले, प्रत्यक्ष रूप से मिलकर, उन सम्बन्धित जानकारियों के दूसरे एक्सपर्ट्स से भी परामर्श अवश्य ले लें, क्योंकि हर मानव की शारीरिक सरंचना व परिस्थितियां अलग - अलग हो सकतीं हैं ! अतः किसी को भी, “स्वयं बनें गोपाल” संस्थान की इस वेबसाइट/फेसबुक पेज/ट्विटर पेज/यूट्यूब चैनल आदि के द्वारा, और इससे जुड़े हुए किसी भी लेखक/एक्सपर्ट के द्वारा, और किसी भी अन्य माध्यम के द्वारा, प्राप्त हुई किसी भी प्रकार की जानकारी को प्रयोग में लाने से हुई, किसी भी तरह की हानि व समस्या के लिए “स्वयं बनें गोपाल” संस्थान और इससे जुड़े हुए कोई भी लेखक/एक्सपर्ट जिम्मेदार नहीं होंगे ! धन्यवाद !